
Why do Neptune and Uranus appear in different colors

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Why do Neptune and Uranus appear in different colors

  • Neptune and Uranus have similar masses, sizes, and atmospheric compositions yet their appearances are in different shades of blue.

Reasons for different colours

  • At visible wavelengths, Neptune is a rich, deep azure hue, while Uranus is a distinctly pale shade of cyan.
  • So far difference was not explained because of the absence of similar data for comparison.
  • Previous studies of the spectrum of each planet concentrated on individual wavelength regions.
  • New comparison: researchers have developed a single atmospheric model that matches observations of both planets from NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, as well as Gemini North telescope and NASA Infrared Telescope Facility.
    • This model shows that the haze around Uranus is thicker than that around Neptune.

Difference in atmosphere

  • Uranus’s stagnant, the sluggish atmosphere makes it appear lighter tone than Neptune.
  • If there were no haze in the atmospheres of both the planets, they would appear almost equally blue because of blue light being scattered in their atmospheres.
  • Model leading to this conclusion describes three aerosol layers in the atmospheres of Neptune and Uranus.
  • Critical layer that affects colours is the middle layer, which is a layer of haze particles that is thicker on Uranus than on Neptune.
    • On both planets, methane ice condenses onto particles in this layer, pulling particles deeper into the atmosphere.
    • Neptune has a more active, turbulent atmosphere than Uranus does, it is believed Neptune’s atmosphere is more efficient at churning up methane particles into the haze layer.
    • This removes haze and keeps Neptune’s haze layer thinner than it is on Uranus, with the result that the blue colour of Neptune looks stronger.

Exam track

Prelims take away

  • Hubble Space Telescope
  • Gemini North telescope
  • Solar system
