
The problem with our university vision

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The problem with our university vision

  • International rankings of higher education institutions (HEI) is discussed in India only when global ranking systems are announced.

QS World University Rankings

  • Number of Indian institutes among the top 1,000 globally has risen to 27 from 22 last year.
  • IISc Bangalore has emerged as the highest ranked Indian institute in 2023 edition.
  • Barring Institutes of Eminence (IOE), other universities haven’t performed well.
  • IOEs are granted more academic and administrative autonomy, and public IOEs get additional funding.

Step-motherly treatment

  • All-India Survey on Higher Education (2019-20):
  • 184 of 1,043 HEIs in the country are centrally funded institutions.
  • Inadequate Financial support from Govt.
  • Academic and administrative infrastructure not revamped.
  • Delay in filling up faculty positions has further worsened the quality of teaching and research in HEIs.
  • State Uni. doesn’t perform well in rankings due to the unequal and unfair system in the Indian higher education system.

The NEP vision

  • National Education Policy 2020 has envisaged all HEIs to become multidisciplinary institutions by 2040.
  • Aim:
  • Increase Gross Enrolment Ratio in higher education from 26.3% in 2018 to 50% by 2035.
  • Ensure that by 2030, there is at least one large multidisciplinary HEI in or near every district.
    • This means that single-stream specialised institutions will eventually be phased out.
  • Study of QS Rankings reveals that single-stream specialised HEIs such as IITs and IISc have performed better than their multidisciplinary counterparts.
  • A plan in NEP for multidisciplinary education and research universities is also being contemplated to achieve highest global standards in quality education.
  • Idea of converting a specialised institution into a multi-faculty university does not go well for the Indian economy driven by specialist professionals.


  • Nobody is against the idea of multidisciplinary/multi-faculty education if there is 15% to 20% flexibility in total academic strength.
  • But converting all HEIs into multidisciplinary institutions is not conducive to demands in India.
  • Need is to build and develop our higher education system while taking into account Indian conditions and market demands.
