The New Civilisation
- Across the world, the idea of civilisation is being utilised in the service of a narrow nationalism.
- It is an intellectual fad sweeping across the corridors of power in important capitals around the world.
- Since civilisations are the broadest cultural entities into which the human species is often divided, one would have expected civilisationism to transcend nationalism.
Civilisation-state and Nation-states
- The civilisation-state is now counterpoised to the nation-state.
- India, China, Russia, Turkey, and Iran are among countries which have made statements to the effect that their countries are civilisations unto themselves and not nation-states.
- It is perhaps not a coincidence that countries that have tried to find a middle ground on the Russo-Ukraine war are also aspirational civilisation-states.
What do these aspirational civilisation states have in common?
- They are relatively large countries that are often described as middle powers, regional powers.
- The territories of these countries were once home to ancient civilisations and great empires and kingdoms in the precolonial era.
- A particular value system as being foundational to Europe's civilisational identity points to a view that civilisationism, like nationalism, also has its good and bad versions.
- In a 1945 book, Hans Kohn, made a controversial distinction between Westem and Eastem nationalisms.
- Only Western nationalism was connected to the Enlightenment's legacy of the free individual; the nationalisms of Central and Eastern Europe and Asia were not.
- Nations belong to the era of political modemity and they are all necessarily young.
Position of civilisational Idea in modern times
- But if civilisations are utilised in the service of nationalism, what happens to the promise of the civilisational idea as a higher order principle for judging the nation-state as a political form?
- Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, nearly a century ago, wrote, "Before we can build a stable civilisation worthy of humanity as a whole it's necessary that each historical civilisation should become conscious of its limitations and its unworthiness to become the ideal civilisation of the world".
- One can only hope that the civilisationism fad soon becomes passé and that the world embraces a new, just, and peaceful form of planetary politics.