
Strengthening of Pharmaceutical Industry (SPI) Scheme

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Strengthening of Pharmaceutical Industry (SPI) Scheme

  • The Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers releases guidelines for the scheme “Strengthening of Pharmaceutical Industry (SPI)"".

Objectives of the Scheme

  • To strengthen the existing infrastructure facilities in order to make India a global leader in the Pharma Sector.
  • The scheme will extend support required to existing pharma clusters and MSMEs across the country to improve their productivity, quality and sustainability.
  • The scheme will contribute to establish India a global leader in the Pharma Sector by providing financial assistance to Pharma clusters for creation of Common Facilities.
  • Improve the quality & also ensure the sustainable growth of clusters.
  • Financial assistance to pharma clusters will be provided for the creation of Common Facilities.
  • Interest subvention or capital subsidy on their capital loans will be provided to upgrade the production facilities of SMEs and MSMEs to meet national and international regulatory standards.

3 Sub-schemes under the Scheme

Assistance to Pharmaceutical Industry for Common Facilities (APICF):

  • To strengthen the existing pharmaceutical clusters’ capacity for their sustained growth by creating common facilities.
  • An outlay of 178 Cr for the scheme period of five years is proposed to-
  1. Support for clusters for creation of common facilities with the focus on R&D Labs,
  2. Testing Laboratories,
  3. Effluent Treatment Plants,
  4. Logistic Centers and
  5. Training Centers

Pharmaceutical Technology Upgradation Assistance Scheme (PTUAS):

  • To facilitate Micro, Small and Medium Pharma Enterprises (MSMEs) with a proven track record to meet national and international regulatory standards.
  • Support for SME Industries either through upto maximum of 5% per annum (6% in case of units owned and managed by SC/STs) of interest subvention or through Credit linked Capital subsidy of 10%.
  • The loan supported under this is to a limit of 10 Crores and the eligible components are listed out in the scheme guidelines.
  • An outlay of 300 Cr has been earmarked for the sub scheme for the scheme period of five years.

Pharmaceutical & Medical Devices Promotion and Development Scheme (PMPDS):

  • To facilitate growth and development of Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Sectors through study/survey reports, awareness programs, creation of databases, and promotion of industry.
  • Knowledge and awareness about the Pharmaceutical and MedTech Industry will be promoted.
  • An outlay of 21.5 Cr has been earmarked for the sub scheme for the scheme period of five years.


  • It is expected that the units supported under this scheme will act as Demonstration Firms for the pharma clusters and MSE Pharma Industries, to develop on quality and technology upgradation fronts.
