
Russia delivers more efficient nuclear fuel for Kudankulam

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Russia delivers more efficient nuclear fuel for Kudankulam

  • Russia has supplied the first batches of more reliable and cost-efficient nuclear fuel TVS-2M to India for the Units 1 and 2 of Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant (KNPP).

Significance of TVS-2M:

  • TVS-2M has an 18-month fuel cycle( before it was 12 months only).
    • Fuel Cycle-means the reactor, which has to be stopped for every 12 months for removing the spent fuel and inserting the fresh fuel bundles and allied maintenance, will have to be stopped for every 18 months.
  • TVS-2M fuel’s advantages-
    • Firstly, it is the rigidity of a bundle. Because of the welded frame, the fuel assemblies in the reactor core retain their geometry.
    • The spacer grids protect the fuel rod cladding from fretting wear
    • The additional spacer grid makes the fuel assemblies more vibration-resistant.
  • The new fuel has increased uranium capacity.
  • new generation anti-debris filter protecting bundles from debris damage.
  • Operation in longer fuel cycles also enhances the economic efficiency of a plant.
  • The power units can produce more electricity.
  • Besides, the plant needs to buy less fuel, and has to deal with smaller amounts of spent fuel.

About KNPP:

  • Russia is building the KNPP under an Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA) of 1988 and follow-on agreements in 1998 and 2008.
  • The first stage, consisting of power units No. 1 and No. 2, was commissioned in 2013 and 2017, respectively.
  • Power units No. 3, 4 and No. 5, 6 are currently under construction.

Prelims Takeaway:

  • TVS-2M
  • Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant (KNPP)
