
‘RBI ready to spend $100 billion more from forex reserves to defend rupee

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‘RBI ready to spend $100 billion more from forex reserves to defend rupee

  • RBI is prepared to sell a sixth of its foreign exchange reserves to defend rupee against a rapid depreciation after it plumbed record lows in recent weeks.

Recent developments

  • Rupee has lost more than 7% of its value in 2022 and weakened past 80 per U.S. dollar.
  • Fall would have been far bigger if RBI had not stepped in.
  • RBI’s currency reserves have slid more than $60 billion from its peak of $642.45 billion, due to its dollar selling intervention.
  • Despite the drawdown, RBI's reserves remain the fifth largest in the world, giving central bank confidence in its ability to prevent any sharp depreciation of the currency.

Prelims take away

  • Foreign exchange reserves
