
PM pays tributes to Sri Ramanujacharya on his Jayanti

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PM pays tributes to Sri Ramanujacharya on his Jayanti

  • The Prime Minister has paid tributes to Sri Ramanujacharya on his Jayanti.

About Shri Ramanujacharya

  • He was a reformer and vaishnavite saint
  • He was born in Sriperumbudur near modern Chennai.
  • He preached Vishishta Advaita Vada (qualified monism).
  • His philosophical foundations for devotionalism were influential to the Bhakti movement.
  • According to him, God is Saguna Brahman (with attributes) and the creative process including all the objects in creation are real and not illusory as was held by Shankaracharya.
  • He advocated prabattimarga or the path of self-surrender to God.
  • He invited downtrodden people to Vaishnavism and advocated salvation by Bhakti.

Important contributions to literature

  • Vedarthasangraha (literally, “Summary of the Vedas meaning”),
  • Sri Bhashya (a review and commentary on the Brahma Sutras),
  • Bhagavad Gita Bhashya (a review and commentary on the Bhagavad Gita), and
  • The minor works titled Vedantapida, Vedantasara, Gadya Trayam (which is a compilation of three texts called the Saranagati Gadyam, Sriranga Gadyam and the Srivaikunta Gadyam), and Nitya Grantham.

Prelims take away

  • Sri Ramanujacharya
  • Bhakti movement
