
PM emphasizes on Environmental sustainability in World sustainable development summit

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PM emphasizes on Environmental sustainability in World sustainable development summit

  • PM while delivering the inaugural address at the 21st World Sustainable Development Summit 2022 (WSDS-22) said environmental sustainability can only be achieved through climate justice.
  • Developed countries were urged by PM to fulfil their commitments on finance and technology transfer
  • A new term LIFE was also introduced by him during the virtual summit

Climate-resilient policies and practises in India

  • Ujjwala Yojana: 90 million households getting access to clean cooking fuel under the scheme
  • PM-KUSUM: farmers are being encouraged to set up solar panels, use it and sell surplus power to the grid under this scheme
  • LED bulbs distribution scheme: it has helped to save more than 220 billion units of electricity and 180 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions per year.
  • National Hydrogen Mission: it aims to tap into Green Hydrogen for sustainable future
  • Degraded land restoration: more than 11.5 Million Hectares have been restored and India is on track to achieve the national commitment of Land Degradation Neutrality under the Bonn Challenge.

About LIFE

  • It’s full form is LIfestyle For Environment.
  • It is about making lifestyle choices to improve our planet.
  • It will be a coalition of like-minded people across the world who will promote sustainable lifestyles.

World sustainable development summit

  • It is a three-day summit with participation from over 100 countries.
  • It is an annual flagship event of The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
  • Theme: Towards a Resilient Planet: Ensuring a Sustainable and Equitable Future
  • The Summit deliberations will examine topics such as climate change, sustainable consumption and production, energy & resource security, resilience, and the global commons.
  • It was earlier known as Delhi Sustainable Development Summit

Sustainable Development

  • The concept of sustainable development was described by the 1987 Bruntland Commission Report as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
  • Sustainability is a paradigm for thinking about the future in which environmental, societal and economic considerations are balanced in the pursuit of an improved quality of life.

Global Initiatives on Sustainable Development

  • The Stockholm Conference,1972: It was the first step towards putting environmental concerns on the global agenda.
  • It resulted in the Stockholm Declaration which contained principles and an Action Plan containing recommendations for environmental policy.
  • UNEP: it was set up in 1972 to serve as a catalyst in developing and coordinating an environmental focus in the programmes of other organisations.
  • The Earth Summit, 1992: This was a direct consequence of the Brundtland Commission’s Report.
  • It introduced important initiatives like Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Convention on Biological Diversity, Statement on Forest Principles,etc.
  • Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): these were launched by UN to bring sustainable development in the mainstream as 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
  • Aim: to spur actions that will end poverty and build a more sustainable world over the next 15 years.

Way forward

  • To make the process of sustainable development feasible and operational, it is critical to establish a common focus that can integrate the perspectives and efforts of various development participants around the world, while taking into account the diversity of geography, society, economics, science and technology capabilities and capacities, and educational standards and levels.
