
Petition in SC seeks stringent population control law

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Petition in SC seeks stringent population control law

  • A Mathura resident has asked the Supreme Court to direct the government to “ascertain the feasibility” of enacting a “stringent population control law.”
  • The petitioner said such a law would secure the fundamental rights of citizens, including the “right to peaceful sleep” along with “clean” air, water, food, health and shelter.

Impact on women

  • “The impact that repeated child-bearing has on women is seldom highlighted outside niche areas,” the petition said.
  • It said the “incidents of grand multiparity, which is defined as more than four viable births, in developing countries like India is 20% while it is only 2% in developed countries”.

Government’s stand

  • The government said the period between 2001-2011 had witnessed the sharpest decline in decadal growth rate among Indians in a 100 years.
  • It said India was a signatory to the Programme Of Action (POA) of the International Conference on Population and Development, 1994, which was unequivocally against coercion in family planning.

Prelims Take Away

  • Health indicators
  • Supreme Court
  • Fundamental rights
