
Over 3 times more women in part-time jobs than men: NSO

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Over 3 times more women in part-time jobs than men: NSO

  • Latest labour indicators were released by National Statistical Office(NSO).

Key findings of the report

  • Female (Age 25-49 years) employment rate living in a household with at least one child under 3 years of age is less than their employment rate in a household with no child under 3 years of age during 2017-18-2019-20.
  • For males, presence of a child under age 3 years in the households didn’t make any difference to their employment rate
  • More females work part-time than males across all age groups in both rural and urban areas.
  • The proportion of employed persons working part-time in 46-59 years age group at all India levels was more than 10%.
  • While in the age group of above 60 years, it was more than 15%.

Part-time work

  • There has been rapid growth in part-time work in past few decades in developed economies.
  • Reasons:
  • Increase in female labour force participation
  • Policies to raise labour market flexibility in reaction to changing work organization within industries
  • Growth of services sector.
  • Rural females working part-time in working age population (15+ years) at all India is between 23-24 per cent as compared to 7-8 per cent for rural males during 2017-18 to 2019-20.
  • For urban females working part-time in the same age group at all-India level, it falls between 15-16 per cent as compared to 3-4 per cent for urban male during the same period.
  • In both rural and urban areas, part timers as proportion of total employed are more in 60+ age-group among males and urban females.
