Need for World Bank’s governance indicators to be transparent: CEA
- Chief Economic Adviser expresses concerns over the use of the World Bank's Worldwide Governance Indicators in credit ratings assessment, particularly for emerging economies.
- He calls for increased transparency in the World Governance Index to enhance objectivity in credit rating assessments.
Transparency in World Governance Index
- A more transparent, less subjective, and contextually relevant World Governance Index was advocated.
- the World Bank should ensure the involvement of developing countries in the index's formulation, making it more suited to diverse contexts.
- IImproved credit ratings could lead to significant cost savings in global capital markets for these economies.
Worldwide Governance Indicators Overview
- The World Bank's Worldwide Governance Indicators assess 215 countries based on six governance dimensions.
- Dimensions:
- Voice and Accountability
- Political Stability and Absence of Violence
- Government Effectiveness
- Regulatory Quality
- Rule of Law
- Control of Corruption.'
- Addressing transparency issues in the World Governance Index can potentially revolutionize credit rating assessments for emerging economies
- It will lead to substantial financial benefits and better allocation of resources for development.
Prelims Takeaway
- World Governance Index