
Monkeypox virus has evolved

Contact Counsellor

Monkeypox virus has evolved

  • Monkeypox outbreaks have triggered international consternation when world is yet to recover from COVID-19 pandemic and cases are being reported from multiple countries and many of them have not seen cases of the virus before.

Actions by WHO

  • Recently WHO designated Monkeypox as PHEIC(one step short of ‘pandemic’ )
  • WHO was criticized for not responding with alacrity on the public health threat that coronavirus pandemic portended.
  • It termed COVID-19 crisis as a PHEIC when global cases were about half the levels now reported for monkeypox.

Monkeypox disease

  • Monkeypox has visible manifestations such as rashes and blisters and is over-represented in men who have sex with men.
  • Spread only through close contact and is fatal only to extremely immunocompromised.
  • WHO recommendations
  • Step up surveillance
  • Amplify public awareness campaigns
  • Governments work towards not stigmatizing the disease
  • Ramp up health infrastructure towards producing diagnostic kits.


  • It is unclear how the monkeypox outbreak will play out in the months to come. The Government must begin coordinated action with States to accurately summarize and disseminate the extent of the threat.
