
Israeli PM to visit India to mark the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations

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Israeli PM to visit India to mark the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations

  • The Israeli Prime Minister will visit India for the first time to mark the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries
  • This visit will reaffirm the important connection between both the countries and the leaders.

About the Visit

  • It aims to expand the cooperation between the two countries in the areas of innovation and technology, security and cyber, and agriculture and climate change
  • The purpose of the visit is to advance and strengthen the strategic alliance between the countries, and to expand bilateral ties

Economic cooperation between India-Israel

  • India is Israel's 3rd largest trade partner in Asia and 7th largest globally.
  • Trade in diamonds is nearly 40% of bilateral trade.
  • Sectors of trade include pharmaceuticals, agriculture, IT and telecom, and homeland security.
  • Indian software companies, notably TCS, Infosys, Tech Mahindra and Wipro, are beginning to expand their presence in Israeli market.

Defence & Security cooperation

  • India imports critical defence technologies from Israel.
  • Joint working group on Defence cooperation was constituted to formulate a 10-year roadmap, identify new areas.
  • Both countries signed Agreements on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, Cooperation in Homeland Security, and Protection of Classified Material.
  • Joint production and innovation in defence technology:
  • Israel is the 3rd largest supplier of defence hardware after the US and Russia.
  • UAVs - Searcher and Heron, Hermes 900 is manufactured in collaboration with an Indian company in Hyderabad.
  • Barak 8 Surface-to-air missile.
  • Spike 4th generation anti-tank missile

Cooperation in S&T and Space

  • Overseen by Joint Committee on S&T, estd. under S&T Cooperation Agreement
  • India-Israel Industrial R&D and Innovation Fund (I4F): to promote, facilitate and support joint industrial R&D projects and address challenges in agreed ‘Focus Sectors’.
  • India-Israel Innovation Centre launched at IoT India Congress in Bengaluru.
  • Technological collaborations: India’s MoU with Israel to accelerate collaboration, innovation and technology coop. b/w entrepreneurs from both countries.
  • Space: In 2017, ISRO & Israel Space Agency- signed 3 agreements on space coop.
  • Collaboration in electric propulsion for small satellite, atomic clocks and GEO-LEO Optical Link
  • In 2011, Israel supplied India with a radar imaging satellite, later c/d RISAT-2. Cryogenic technology

Challenges in India-Israel relations

  • Difficult to delink Israel and Palestine in India’s foreign policy, making it a significant consideration while strategizing diplomatic relationships with Israel and other nations in the Middle East.
  • Israel’s politics dominated by its antagonistic attitude towards Palestinians is also making it difficult for India to enhance diplomatic relationships.
  • Israel’s discrimination towards minorities, especially the Jewish minorities from India is hindering the diplomatic ties.
  • FTA is stuck because of the concerns from the Indian domestic industry.
  • China is Israel's most important Asian economic partner, with strong technological and investment ties which hinders India’s interests with Israel

Way forward

  • Both countries need to sign an FTA and also a Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) to forge greater business-to-business ties.
  • India must provide greater market access especially in the farm sector, pharmaceuticals and automobiles segments to further boost trade relations
  • India can leverage its space technologies to Israel for its developmental purposes
  • India can take a cue from how Israel maintains stringent external and internal security, allowing Israeli settlements right up to the border of conflict zones.
  • Increase cooperation to combat radicalisation and terrorism, including cyber space can make the relations between both countries more stronger.
