
India to face tough choices at UNGA

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India to face tough choices at UNGA

  • The UNGA vote is about to take place to examine the text of Resolution 8979 which Russia had vetoed in the UNSC.
  • India so far had abstained from the UN Security Council Resolution 8979 condemning Russian action in Ukraine.
  • Thus, India faces more difficult choices with the U.S. and European-led coalition now pushing for a vote at the UN General Assembly aimed at “isolating Russia”.

United Nations General Assembly

  • The General Assembly is the United Nations' main deliberative, policymaking, and representative body.
  • The General Assembly is the only UN body with universal representation, with all 193 UN Member States represented.
  • Every year in September, the whole United Nations membership gathers in New York's General Assembly Hall for the annual General Assembly session and general debate, to which many heads of state attend and speak.
  • A two-thirds majority of the General Assembly is required to make decisions on crucial issues like as peace and security, admission of new members, and budgetary matters.
  • Other questions are decided by a simple majority.
  • The President of the General Assembly is elected by the assembly every year for a one-year term.

Main Committees of United Nations General Assembly

  • Each Member State may have one representative on each Main Committee and any other committee that may be formed and on which all Member States have the right to participate.
  • These committees may also be staffed by advisers, technical advisers, experts, or other people of similar rank appointed by member states.
  • Draft resolutions can be prepared for the General Assembly by its six main committees:
  • First Committee (Disarmament and International Security),
  • Second Committee (Economic and Financial),
  • Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural),
  • Fourth Committee (Special Political and Decolonization),
  • Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary),
  • Sixth Committee (Legal).

Other Committees

  • General Committee
  • It meets at regular intervals throughout each session to assess the General Assembly's and committees' accomplishments and offer recommendations for improving that progress.
  • The President of the General Assembly, 21 Vice-Presidents of the Assembly, and Chairmen of the six Main Committees make up this body.
  • The Security Council's five permanent members also serve as Vice-Presidents.
  • Credentials Committee
  • Its mandate is to check the credentials of delegates of Member States and report to the General Assembly.

According to the United Nations Charter, the General Assembly has the authority to:

  • Consider and approve the United Nations budget, as well as Member States' budgetary estimates.
  • Elect the non-permanent members of the Security Council as well as members of other UN councils and institutions, and nominate the Secretary-General on the Security Council's proposal.
  • Consider and provide recommendations on broad principles of cooperation for international peace and security, including disarmament.
  • Discuss any issue relevant to international peace and security, and make recommendations on it unless a dispute or situation is already being discussed by the Security Council.
  • Discuss and provide recommendations on any questions within the scope of the Charter or affecting the authorities and functions of any United Nations organ, with the same exception.
  • To promote international political cooperation, the development and codification of international law, the realisation of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and international collaboration in the economic, social, humanitarian, cultural, educational, and health fields, initiate studies and make recommendations.
