
India slams China for blocking move against JeM deputy chief

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India slams China for blocking move against JeM deputy chief

  • China thwarted (opposed) a joint India-U.S. bid to list Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) deputy chief Rauf Asghar as a UN Security Council-designated terrorist by placing a technical hold on the process.
  • India termed this move as politically motivated and evidence of China’s doublespeak on Pakistan-based terrorism.

China’s stance

  • China said that it had strictly followed rules and procedures of the committee, and that the government required more time to assess the information to sanction the individual.
  • This is the second time China has blocked an India-U.S. listing proposal at the UNSC in the past two months.
  • In June 2022, China placed a similar hold on the listing of Abdur Rahman Makki, deputy chief of the Lashkar-e-Taiba/ Jamaat-ud-Dawa (LeT/JuD).

China’s past record on taking such steps

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