
India presents its priorities under Colombo Process

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India presents its priorities under Colombo Process

  • India chaired the inaugural meeting of the Colombo Process in Geneva.

About the Colombo Process:

  • It is a regional consultative forum of 12 Asian member states sharing best practices on overseas employment. Members include Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam. Non-binding decisions are made by consensus. The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) acts as the secretariat for the Colombo Process.

Colombo Process objectives:

  • Protection of Migrant Workers: Protect and promote the rights of migrant workers in employment and migration.
  • Regulatory Mechanisms: Ensure transparent, fair, and efficient recruitment and placement processes.
  • Migration Governance: Improve migration management and the welfare of migrant workers.
  • Bilateral and Multilateral Agreements: Facilitate bilateral and multilateral agreements on labor migration.
  • Remittance and Investment: Promote the development impact of migration through remittances and investment by diaspora communities.

Key Initiatives:

  • Regulation of Recruitment Practices: Enhancing ethical recruitment and reducing exploitation.
  • Skills Development and Recognition: Improving skills and qualifications recognition for migrant workers.
  • Social Protection and Welfare: Ensuring access to social protection and welfare for migrant workers and their families.
  • Pre-departure Orientation and Information: Providing accurate information and orientation to migrants before departure.
  • Bilateral and Regional Cooperation: Strengthening bilateral and regional cooperation on migration issues.

Benefits of the Colombo Process:

  • Collaborative Approach: Encourages a collaborative approach among member countries, leading to better protection and welfare of migrant workers.
  • Policy Harmonization: Facilitates policy harmonization and alignment on migration management.
  • Capacity Building: Enhances capacity building and knowledge sharing among member states.
  • Advocacy: Provides a platform for advocating for the rights and welfare of migrant workers at regional and international forums.


  • The Colombo Process plays a crucial role in promoting safe, orderly, and regular migration in the Asia-Pacific region.
