
Illegal mining, encroachments, deforestation pose threat to Aravali range as natural green wall

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Illegal mining, encroachments, deforestation pose threat to Aravali range as natural green wall

  • The Aravali range is facing a severe threat from illegal mining, deforestation, and human encroachments


  • The Aravali range that stretches from Gujarat to Delhi through Rajasthan, considered the natural green wall in the north-western part of the country, is facing a severe threat
  • These threats have led to environmental degradation as well as depletion of groundwater reserves in the region.
  • The destruction of the hills has also led to loss of vegetation and soil cover, upsetting the area’s biodiversity, according to a scientific study on the land use dynamics of the Aravali range post 1975.


  • With a length of 692 km and a width variation of 10 km to 120 km, Aravali forms an ecotone zone between Thar desert and the Gangetic plain, in a semi-arid environment.
  • The range comprises over 500 hillocks, and the altitude of its highest peak, Guru Shikhar in Mount Abu, is 1,722 metres.
  • Rajasthan occupies 80% of the world’s oldest hill range, while other States Haryana, Delhi, and Gujarat have 20% share in the terrain.
  • During 1999 to 2019, the forest area decreased up to 0.9% of the total area, which is 75,572.8 sq. km.
  • Until 1999, 29,915 sq. km of the range was covered with dry deciduous forest.
    • This was reduced to 29,210 sq. km in 2019, resulting in the disappearance of 705 sq. km area of the forest.


  • The EVI is a spatial tool in remote sensing that can be used to estimate the biomass and carbon sequestration potential of forests.
  • It is also used to monitor the health of forests over large areas by detecting changes in vegetation.
  • The study recorded the enhanced vegetation index (EVI) to identify the condition of biomass, while noticing its lowest value of zero to minus 0.2 in the upper central Aravali region, falling in Nagaur district.

High rates of carbon flux

  • Carbon flux refers to the amount exchanged between carbon stocks over a specified time, as it records the movement of carbon between land, oceans, atmosphere, and living beings.
  • The regions in the upper and lower Aravali range recorded high positive rates of carbon flux as they received high rainfall and had protected areas.
  • In contrast, the areas facing a negative rate of carbon flux in the main middle range are near the Thar desert.
  • The study noted that the presence of two wildlife sanctuaries, Todgarh-Raoli and Kumbhalgarh, in the central Aravali range had a positive impact on the eco-sensitive zone with minimum forest depletion.
  • It determined water bodies, dense forest, open forest, agricultural land, and barren land as resilience indicators.
  • According to the study, the forest area of the central ērange decreased by 32%, along with a significant increase in land under cultivation between 1975 and 2019.
  • Most of the central area had the least self-recovery in nature.

Need of drone survey

  • The Aravali range’s significance for conserving biodiversity, human livelihoods, desertification protection, and ecosystem services is critical
  • Mr. Sharma recommended a comprehensive light detection and ranging (LiDAR)-based drone survey for the Aravali region.
  • The LiDAR survey targets an object or a surface with a laser and measures the time for the reflected light to return to the receiver.
  • The survey is widely used in remote sensing to examine the surface of the earth and its objects with 3D dimensions.
  • It will facilitate the identification and mitigation of illegal mining activities and enable authorities to take prompt enforcement actions to curb environmental degradation.
  • Besides, a ban on all forms of mining within the Aravali region would safeguard the remaining hills from further depletion and exploitation and preserve its ecological balance and biodiversity.

Prelims takeaway

  • Aravalli
  • LiDAR
  • EVI
