Government Steps To Ensure Health Facilities In Backward Districts
- Government of India has identified 112 Aspirational Districts based on their performance in 49 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) across five themes.
5 themes of the initiative
- Health and Nutrition,
- Education,
- Agriculture and Water Resources,
- Financial Inclusion,
- Skill Development and Basic Infrastructure.
Public Health and Hospital
This is a State subject, hence, the primary responsibility of ensuring availability of healthcare facilities lies with the respective State/UT Governments.
The Government reviews functionality of the health centers as well as implementation of various health programs in each State including the Aspirational District areas through Central and State level monitoring mechanisms.
Central level review:
- Ministry of Health and Family Welfare undertakes annual Common Review Mission (CRM),
- Integrated Monitoring Visits (IMV),
- Review the progress of National Health Mission (NHM) implementation.
Other Reviews
- State Level: Health Management Information System (HMIS) data is updated by States which is available disaggregated up-to-the facility level.
- NITI Aayog: Aspirational district evaluation is also done by NITI Aayog based on the set indicators.
Programme Implementation Plans (PIPs)
The proposals from State /UT Governments are received in the form of Programme Implementation Plans (PIPs) under National Health Mission (NHM).
- Government of India provides approval for the proposals in the form of Record of Proceedings (RoP) as per available resources.
Schemes focuses on Providing Health Services
PM Ayushman Bharat Health Infrastructure Mission (PM-ABHIM) | * Launched with an outlay of Rs. 64,180 Crores. * Aims to fill critical gaps in public health infrastructure. * A Centrally Sponsored Scheme with some Central Sector components. * Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) Components includes: -Support for infrastructure development for Sub-Health Centers, -Urban Health and Wellness Centers, -Block Public Health Units, -Integrated District Public Health Laboratories, -Critical Care Hospital Blocks. |
Ayushman Bharat-Health & Wellness Centers (AB-HWCs) | * To deliver twelve packages of Comprehensive Primary Health Care (CPHC) that includes preventive, promotive, curative, palliative and rehabilitative services which are universal. * It involves: - 1,50,000 Sub- Health Centers (SHCs), - Primary Health Centers (PHCs) Rural and Urban. * Another essential component of AB-HWCs is the roll out of tele-consultation services through ‘eSanjeevani’. |
Human Resources | * Health care service delivery requires intensive human resource inputs. * NHM has attempted to fill the gaps in human resources by providing additional health human resources to the States on contractual * It includes: - 14,474 GDMOs, - 3,502 Specialists, - 74,783 Staff Nurses, - 84,313 ANMs, - 89,140 CHOs - 48,585 Paramedics, - 439 Public Health Managers - 17,262 Programme Management staffs etc and - 10.78 Lakhs ASHAs (10.08 lakhs in Rural + 0.77 lakhs in Urban). |
Apart from providing support for health human resource, NHM has also focused on multi skilling of human resources.
- NHM also focused on multi-skilling of doctors at strategically located facilities identified by the States e.g. MBBS doctors are trained in Emergency Obstetric Care (EmOC), Life Saving Anaesthesia Skills (LSAS) and Laparoscopic Surgery.
Exam Track
Prelims Takeaway
Aspirational Districts Programme Implementation Plans (PIPs) PM Ayushman Bharat Health Infrastructure Mission (PM-ABHIM) Ayushman Bharat-Health & Wellness Centers (AB-HWCs)
Mains Takeaway
Q. “Public Health and Hospital although it is a State subject but without the aid of Central government, this sector will be paralysed.” Analyze. Discuss the role of Ayushman Bharat scheme during COVID-19 pandemic.