
DNA Technology Bill withdrawn from Lok Sabha

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DNA Technology Bill withdrawn from Lok Sabha

  • Recently, the government withdrew the DNA Technology Bill, which was previously passed by Lok Sabha but had lapsed after not being passed in the Upper House.
  • The Bill has been withdrawn because much of it dealt with criminal proceedings but it had initially been drafted by the Science Ministry.

DNA Technology (Use and Application) Regulation Bill

  • The Bill regulates the use of DNA technology for establishing the identity of persons in respect of matters listed in Schedule to the Bill
    • such as for offences under the Indian Penal Code, 1860, for paternity suits, or to identify abandoned children.
  • It allows the government to create a DNA data bank for solving crimes, tracing missing persons, and identifying dead bodies.
  • It outlined collection of DNA samples of convicts, undertrials, victims, or relatives of missing persons, storage of these samples in a data bank, and access to various agencies.
  • It creates DNA Profiling Board (DPB) that will be the final authority to authorise creation of State-level DNA databanks, approve the methods of collection and analysis of DNA-technologies.
  • It makes accreditation and regulation mandatory for DNA laboratories.
  • It also provides for the removal of DNA profiles of suspects on filing of a police report or court order, and of undertrials on the basis of a court order.

Prelims Takeaway

  • DNA Technology Regulation Bill
  • DNA and RNA
  • Lapse of a Bill
