
Country facing twin challenges of corruption and nepotism

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Country facing twin challenges of corruption and nepotism

  • During the Independence Day speech the PM highlighted twin challenges of “corruption” and “dynasty politics and nepotism” which is hindering national building.
  • He laid down a five-point “pran” (commitment/ resolve) that every Indian should follow.

Major areas of discussion of his Independence Day speech:

  • Women during freedom struggle: Brave women like Rani Lakshmibai, Jhalkari Bai, Durga Bhabhi, Rani Gaidinliu, Rani Chennamma, Begum Hazrat Mahal, Velu Nachiyar, showed the mettle of women power of India.
  • Contribution made by tribal community: Tribal leaders like Bhagwan Birsa Munda, Sidhu-Kanhu, Alluri Sitarama Raju, Govind Guru, who became the voice of freedom movement and inspired my tribal brothers and sisters, mothers and youth in the remotest jungles to live and die for the motherland.
  • Corruption a menace for a nation’s progress: To fight against corruption with all our might.
    • Government initiatives such as using modern systems like Direct Benefit Transfer, Aadhaar and Mobile helped in better inclusion of beneficiaries while checking the leakage of funds in the form of corruption.
    • Sanskritization of corruption in the society leads to moral turpitude among the people.
  • Purification and reform in Indian politics and for the cleansing of all the institutions of India. There is a need of time to liberate the country from this family mentality and move towards taking the country forward on the basis of merit.
  • Women empowerment and their role in nation building: He urged the common citizen to bring altitudinal and behaviour change towards women. He asked for a pledge to get rid of everything in our behaviour, culture and everyday life that humiliates and demeans women. Women's pride is going to be a huge asset in fulfilling the dreams of the nation. I see this power and therefore I am insistent on it.

Five resolves or panchpran he announced for the next 25 year

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  • The mantra of ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas’ gradually get the shape of Sabka Vishwas and Sabka Prayas’. It shows individual and collective power potential and responsibilities.
  • Therefore, by joining the hand together and inclusiveness within the society will help in achieving the goal of becoming a developed nation even before time.
