
Census in India and its importance

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Census in India and its importance

  • India is known for its regular population census, which has provided significant data for planning, but the recent delay in conducting a census is a cause for concern.

Census in India and Its Significance:

  • Census is a repository of complete data about the country, gathered using public money, thus, a social good.
  • India’s first Census was held in 1872
  • India has held its decadal censuses regularly from 1881 to 2011
  • Need for Conducting Census:
  • Carries the promise of counting each and every Indian
  • Enable neat, inter-temporal comparability to where India stands.
  • Effective governance and global faith in the country
  • Significance:
  • Helps in finding vital statistics, crucial for planning and resolving problems, and fixing deficiencies.
  • Helps in reaching out to the real root cause of an issue irrespective of the bigotry and prejudice.

Reasons for Delay:

  • Outbreak of COVID-19 Pandemic
  • States’ reluctancy over National Register of Citizens (NRC)
  • Center’s assertiveness for conducting caste census (last held in 1931, 2011 socio-economic caste census data not released)

Census across the globe:

  • Countries without Census:
  • Afghanistan (1979),
  • Lebanon (1932),
  • Somalia (1985),
  • Uzbekistan (1989),
  • Western Sahara (1970)
  • Pakistan conducted its latest census in 2017
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo held a census in 2022 (last held in 1984)
