
BEE announces Energy Conservation and Efficiency Awards

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BEE announces Energy Conservation and Efficiency Awards

  • Bureau of Energy Efficiency has announced 31st National Energy Conservation Awards and 1st National Energy Efficiency Innovations Awards*
  • BEE, under the guidance of Ministry of Power, recognizes and encourages endeavors of industrial units, institutions and establishments in reducing energy consumption by felicitating them with National Energy Conservation Awards (NECA).
  • This year, a new award - National Energy Efficiency Innovation Awards (NEEIA) is also institutionalized.

National Energy Conservation Awards

  • These awards are given to the energy-intensive units of various sectors of the Indian economy for their exceptional achievements in reducing the specific energy consumption.
  • Ministry of Power, Government of India launched a scheme in 1991, to give national recognition through awards to industries and establishments that have taken special efforts to reduce energy consumption while maintaining their production.
  • The awards were given away for the first time on December 14, 1991, which was declared as the `National Energy Conservation Day'.
  • These awards are given by eminent dignitaries holding very high positions in the Government of India in a function organized on 14th December every year.

National Energy Efficiency Innovation Award (NEEIA)

  • This award is to recognize “Innovative Energy Efficiency Technologies” and instill a sense of competition to motivate industries & sectors to develop innovative energy efficiency efforts in their units.
  • The online applications were invited from Category A (Industry, Transport, Building) & Category B (Students & Research Scholars).
  • The Energy Efficiency Innovation Award is the need of the hour to promote newer technologies, ideas, and pave way for the adoption of these innovations by larger groups.
  • The award is meant to encourage to apply new methods to achieve energy efficiency and to lay greater emphasis on research & development. Innovation has the potential to bring about substantial changes in a smaller span of time and to create a way for new employment opportunities."
