
Army Aviation to Induct Light Combat Helicopters and Apache Helicopters

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Army Aviation to Induct Light Combat Helicopters and Apache Helicopters

  • Army Aviation Corps will induct indigenous Light Combat Helicopter (LCH) and Apache attack helicopters by 2024.

Key highlights

  • Cheetah and Chetak helicopters: Suitable for high-altitude areas, need to be replaced.
  • 70% of them are over 30 years old.
  • LUH: Designed and developed by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL)
  • Air Force will also raise its first LCH squadron shortly.
  • Deal with Russia for 200 Ka-226T utility helicopters has been stuck over indigenisation issues.
  • Can be cancelled with availability of LUH and global situation.

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LCH squadron

  • Recently Army raised its first LCH squadron in Bengaluru.
  • Cabinet Committee had sanctioned procurement of 39 AH-64 Apache attack helicopters from the U.S.
  • August 2021: Army Aviation got control of Army’s Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), which were earlier under Artillery.
  • Army has over 30 Herons UAVs procured from Israel.
  • Army Aviation currently operates around 190 Cheetah, Chetak and Cheetal helicopters, with five of them being over 50 years old.

Prelims Take Away

  • Light Combat Helicopter
  • Cheetah Helicopters
  • Chetak Helicopters
  • Cheetal Helicopters
  • Apache attack Helicopters
  • Heron’s UAV\LCH Squadron
