
Advanced medium combat aircraft prototype expected to be ready by 2028-29

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Advanced medium combat aircraft prototype expected to be ready by 2028-29

  • Design and development of the indigenous fifth generation fighter aircraft (FGFA), Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) is in progress


  • The first prototype is expected to be ready by 2028-29.
  • The Defence Ministry is working out a model for bringing in the private sector in a big way, which is important for timely execution of the project.
  • The Defence Ministry has already issued an Expression of Interest (EoI) to the industry and three responses were received.
  • The target is to have the AMCA ready for induction by 2034
  • The AMCA project is particularly critical as it is India’s only FGFA that is planned for induction at a time when a series of such FGFA development projects are making progress worldwide.
  • China, which has made great progress in the development and deployment of FGFAs, has recently deployed its twin-engine J-20 FGFA in Tibet bordering India.
  • The AMCA project got sanction from the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) in March.
  • It is envisaged as a 25-tonne twin-engine stealth aircraft with internal weapons bay and diverterless supersonic intake which has been developed in India for the first time.
  • It is intended to have an internal carriage of 1,500 kg of payload and 5,500 kg of external payload with 6,500 kg of internal fuel.

Prelims Takeaway

  • FGFA
