
A discourse on AI governance that India must shape

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A discourse on AI governance that India must shape

  • The upcoming Summit of the Future, scheduled for September 22-23, 2024, represents a pivotal juncture in global diplomacy and the international norm-building process concerning Artificial Intelligence (AI).
  • Convened under the auspices of the United Nations, this summit aims to advance the Global Digital Compact (GDC), a framework designed to address the digital divide, promote Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and foster a secure and inclusive digital environment.
  • The GDC’s success hinges on strengthening international governance of emerging technologies, including AI, to ensure they align with fundamental rights and values. In this crucial context.

Geopolitical Contestation and the Need for a Unified Approach:

  • The recent adoption of two key AI resolutions by the UN General Assembly — one led by the United States and the other by China — underscores the growing geopolitical contestation in digital governance.
  • The U.S.-led resolution on 'Safe, Secure and Trustworthy AI for Sustainable Development' promotes a harmonized approach to AI governance, advocating for shared ethical principles, data protection measures, and transparency standards.
  • Conversely, the China-led resolution focuses on 'Enhancing Cooperation on Capacity Building of AI,' prioritizing equitable benefits from AI development, bridging the digital divide, and fostering an open business environment.
  • This resolution positions China as a key player in global trade and technology standards, highlighting its strategic interests in shaping global AI policies.
  • The UN, as the apex forum for harmonizing global standards on AI, offers a unique platform for addressing these divergent interests and promoting international cooperation.
  • India, with its deep historical engagement at the UN and its strategic roles in the G-20 and the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI), is well-positioned to influence these discussions.

India’s Historical Legacy and Strategic Position:

  • India’s historical engagement with the UN and its advocacy for the Global South are well-documented. From leading climate negotiations to championing equity and climate justice, India has consistently promoted the interests of developing countries.
  • This legacy is evident from its role in shaping the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol, where it successfully argued for differentiated responsibilities and technology transfer for developing nations.
  • Similarly, India’s active participation in forming coalitions of developing countries, such as the Green Group and the BASIC Group, underscores its commitment to representing Global South perspectives. This experience positions India as a significant player in the current AI governance discourse.
  • As a country grappling with structural inequalities in AI, including limited computing infrastructure and high-quality data sets, India must ensure that discussions around AI governance consider issues of equity, accessibility, and fairness.

India’s Role in Shaping AI Governance:

  • India’s participation in international forums like the G-20 and GPAI has already emphasized the importance of fair access to AI resources and equitable sharing of AI benefits.
  • The G-20 New Delhi Leaders Declaration and the GPAI Ministerial Declaration, under India’s leadership, highlighted these concerns and promoted international cooperation.
  • The Summit of the Future presents India with an opportunity to further these efforts on a global scale. By leveraging the UN platform, India can advocate for more equitable access to AI technology, support technical capacity building, and promote institutional mechanisms for knowledge sharing.
  • It is crucial for India to push for a comprehensive and inclusive AI governance framework that respects human rights, aligns with existing international laws, and ensures AI systems are fair and representative of diverse global perspectives.

Addressing Global Imbalances:

  • In the context of the geopolitical dynamics between the U.S. and China, India’s role becomes even more critical. The strategic interests of these major powers risk overshadowing the unique needs and perspectives of the Global South.
  • The stark disparities between developed and developing countries in AI advancements are evident, with many developing nations lacking basic infrastructure and resources essential for AI development.


  • India’s leadership in shaping the future of AI governance at the Summit of the Future will not only advance its own interests but also contribute to a more equitable and inclusive global digital landscape.
  • By drawing on its historical legacy and leveraging its current diplomatic engagements, India can play a pivotal role in ensuring that the international governance of AI aligns with the principles of fairness, accessibility, and global solidarity.
