70 elephants died in Karnataka in 2021
- Karnataka, which harbours around 6,000 elephants in the wild as per the 2017 census, has lost 70 of them due to various reasons in 2021.
Causes of deaths:
- 15 were attributed to unnatural causes,
- 10 due to electrocution.
- One elephant in a train accident,
- Another was shot,
- one elephant died due to injuries caused by snares
- The cause of death was not ascertained in one case.
- The remaining were classified as death due to natural causes.
Mortality Data:
- mortality details of elephants in the State that have been uploaded by the Forest Department.
- While the deaths due to natural causes are not reckoned to be worrying given the elephant population range in the State.
- The deaths due to electrocution alone underline the prevailing human elephant conflict in the State.
- the elephants were not targeted because the illegally powered fences installed by the farmers were meant to prevent wild boars though elephants do die in the process
- Location-mainly found in the southern parts
Prelims Takeaway:
- Elephant population distribution in india
- Elephant population Census