5 Cr+ benefits in PM Gramin Digital Saksharta Abhiyan Scheme
- Over two crore women beneficiaries are registered in the scheme out of which above one crore are certified under the scheme which is 54 percent of the total certified beneficiaries under the Scheme.
- Making one person in every family digitally literate is one of the integral components of the Prime Minister’s vision of “Digital India”.
- Government has a target of reaching six crore households by March next year.
Pradhan Mantri Gramin Digital Saksharta Abhiyan (PMGDISHA)
- The Scheme has been initiated with the vision to empower at least one person per household with crucial digital literacy skills by 2020.
- This is expected to touch the lives of more than 250 million individuals over the next few years.
- The project aims at helping adults with low technological literacy develop the skills they need to interact in an increasingly digital world.
- The Scheme would empower the citizens in rural areas by training them to operate computer or digital access devices, send and receive e-mails, browse Internet, access Government services, search for information, undertake digital payment etc.
- The Scheme aims to bridge the digital divide, specifically targeting the rural population including the marginalised sections of society like Scheduled Castes (SC) / Scheduled Tribes (ST), Minorities, Below Poverty Line (BPL), women and differently-abled persons and minorities.
Eligibility Criteria
- Nominated digitally illiterate person from every eligible rural household.
- Age: between 14 to 60 years
Course Details
- 20 Hours (Minimum 10 Days and Maximum 30 Days)
- Medium of Instruction will be Official Languages of India
- Free of charge
- Place of Learning : Eligible households can nominate one person from their family. The selected person should get themselves enrolled under this programme in a nearest Training Centre/ Common Service Centre (CSC).
- Evaluation : By independent external evaluation will be conducted by a National level certifying agency like NIELIT, NIOS, IGNOU, HKCL, ICTACT, NIESBUD etc.
- The scheme will be implemented by CSC e-Governance Services India Limited, a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) incorporated under the Companies Act 1956.
- It will be under the overall supervision of Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, with active collaboration of all the State Governments and UT Administrations.