
12% of tested spice samples fail quality, safety standards

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12% of tested spice samples fail quality, safety standards

  • The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India conducted inspections, sampling and testing of mixed spice blends after high levels of a pesticide found.

Key Points:

  • A significant portion (nearly 12%) of Indian spice samples failed quality and safety tests.
  • Global concerns emerged following high pesticide levels in popular Indian spice brands, leading to import restrictions by several countries.

Government Response

  • India's food safety authority conducted inspections and tests.
  • Action was taken against non-compliant companies.
  • However, detailed reports on failed samples were not made public.

Industry Impact

  • India is a global leader in spice production and export.
  • Spice exports reached a record $4.46 billion in the fiscal year ending March 2023.
  • The spice industry is a major economic contributor.
  • India's domestic spice market was valued at $10.44 billion in 2022.
  • Contamination issues could damage India's reputation and market share.

Prelims takeaway:

